The aim of this course is to make you understand what a recruiter is looking for during your competency-based interview, so you will be able to choose and structure your answers efficiently and professionally. You will only be able to do this if you understand how a competency-based interview works.

  • WHY SHALL WE HIRE YOU?… is a question you will be asked during any airline interview.
  • What are your best traits?
  • What are your worst traits?
  • If you are to improve any of your skills, what would that be?
  • Give me an example when you have faced … type of situation. How did you manage it? Why? How would you do it differently next time?

The recruiter will grade your competencies according to your answers. Learning some answers will not help much! The recruiter will use secondary and tertiary questions to dig every answer in order to see if your experience is genuine. If you lie, you are done! The same if you are unprepared.

Can you convince them that you are the best candidate for this job? Sure you can!

We will help you understand the logic of the competency-based interview. Analyse and structure your examples using the STAR technique: Situation, Task, Action and Result. Prepare your examples carefully and be able to score every point!

The HR interview stage is as important as your technical or simulator evaluation. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE IT!

COURSE STRUCTURE: One or two sessions of 1.5 hours each, in Cluj-Napoca or on Skype (for maximum flexibility). This course is delivered by top HR recruiters, in English or Romanian language.