HR Interview Preparation Course

The purpose of this course is to help you understand what recruiters are looking for during competency-based interviews, enabling you to effectively and professionally choose and structure your responses. You will only be able to do this if you comprehend how a competency-based interview functions and what it entails.

WHY SHOULD WE HIRE YOU? This is a question you will encounter during any interview with an airline.

– What are your strengths?
– What are your weaknesses?
– If you could improve one aspect of your skills, what would it be?
– Can you provide an example of a difficult situation you faced? How did you handle it? Why did you manage things that way? What would you do differently if you encountered the same situation again?

The recruiter will evaluate your competencies based on the answers you provide. Merely memorizing standard responses will not be very helpful. Recruiters will use follow-up and probing questions to obtain details and assess whether your experience is authentic and genuine. They will also quickly discern if you are unprepared.

Can you convince them that you are the best candidate?

We understand that interviews with HR departments can pose serious challenges for candidates. Therefore, we have designed a high-quality course, delivered by top recruiters in human resources who are active in the civil aviation sector.

We will help you understand the logic and system behind competency-based interviews, allowing you to analyze and structure your responses using the STAR technique: Situation, Task, Action, and Result. We will assist you in preparing your answers thoroughly so that you can excel in your interview.

The interview with Human Resources is just as important as the evaluation of technical knowledge or the simulator assessment. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THE IMPORTANCE OF THIS STEP!

COURSE STRUCTURE: One or two sessions of 1.5 hours each, conducted one-on-one via Skype for maximum flexibility. The preparation can be conducted in either Romanian or English.

For more information, please contact us using the form below

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